Home Water Filters

How Do You Choose the Best Home Water Filter For Your Family?

Hi, My name is James P. McMahon and I help people provide high quality water in their homes. As an ecologist I worked passionately to improve the quality of our lakes and streams. I now offer that experience to helping you in your home.

There are a lot of choices and not a lot of good information when it comes to water filtration. I would propose to you that you need to know what the problem is before you know how to best solve it. So...

The Urban Defender Home Water Filter


How Do you Find the Problems with YOUR Water?

You need to know what is in your water and the best way to do that is by obtaining a copy of your water report. If you are on a municipal system this can be accomplished simply by contacting your town offices and getting a copy of the annual water quality report.

If you have your own on property water source such as a well or spring then you will want to have a test performed to determine what contaminants are in your water supply.

If you have any questions about either of these feel free to contact me here.


What IS in Your Water?

You need to analyze that report for contaminants. I am happy to help you review this report for free so that you can be sure that you purchase a home water filter that removes those specific contaminants.


What is the Best Home Water Filter For YOUR Family?

Each family is going to have specific needs based on their water report, so not all water filters will work. I work one on one with you to design a system customized to your specific needs. This way you can be sure that you are addressing all of the problems.

Common Contaminants

Here are some of the more common contaminants found in our water and links to more information about them.


These are the carcinogenic elements of city (or public) water supplies. I hope that you find this information helpful in trying to find the best home water filter for your situation. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Find me here. Yours in health, Jim